Poker champion arrested for bank robbery

One would think that winning big on the green felt makes players financially stable for a long time. It would appear, however, that some people need much more than that.

Looks like Thomas tried to exploit his knowledge in several fields

Thomas Dougher broke the bank in 2015 when he won the Borgata Summer Poker Open 2015 for $149,127. He tried to do something similar again but this time he wasn’t bluffing. The former poker champ is alleged to have been involved in nine robberies in the last few months. Dougher was apprehended last week. Other than his big score in Borgata Casino, Dougher can’t really show up with many results. He cashed for $715 in a $330 tournament and $2,136 playing a $560 event.

As it turned out, he’s no stranger to criminal activities. He was found guilty before and sentenced to prison time from 2007 to 2010 – for similar actions. Back then he robbed 11 banks, in two states.

During the heists he wasn’t even trying to mask his face so he can be clearly seen on CCTV footage.

After capturing Dougher, Pleasantville Police Capt. said, “The successful cooperative investigation and uneventful arrest of Dougher, who previously served prison time for 11 robberies in 2007, is a testament to the importance of interaction between all levels of law enforcement from local to federal to achieve a common goal,”

The good news for the backslider is he doesn’t have to spend much on his living in the following years as he’s looking for a pretty long time behind blinds.


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